
The Outsider

That night the Baron dreamt of many a woe; And all his warrior-guests, with shade and form Of witch, and demon, and large coffin-worm, Were long be-nightmared. —Keats. Unhappy is he to whom the memories of childhood bring only fear and sadness. Wretched is he who looks back upon lone hours in vast and dismal chambers with brown hangings and maddening rows of antique books, or upon awed watches in twilight groves of grotesque, gigantic, and vine-encumbered trees that silently wave twisted branches far aloft. Such a lot the gods gave to me—to me, the dazed, the disappointed; the barren, the broken. And yet I am strangely content, and cling desperately to those sere memories, when my mind momentarily threatens to reach beyond to the other. I know not where I was born, save that the castle was infinitely old and infinitely horrible; full of dark passages and having high ceilings where the eye could find only cobwebs and shadows. The stones in the crumbling corridors seemed always hideousl

The Coming Of The White Worm

(Chapter IX of the Book of Eibon) Rendered from the Old French manuscript of Gaspard du Nord. Evagh the warlock, dwelling beside the boreal sea, was aware of many strange and untimely portents in mid-summer. Frorely burned the sun above Mhu Thulan from a welkin clear and wannish as ice. At eve the aurora was hung from zenith to earth, like an arras in a high chamber of gods. Wan and rare were the poppies and small the anemones in the cliff-sequestered vales lying behind the house of Evagh; and the fruits in his walled garden were pale of rind and green at the core. Also, he beheld by day the unseasonable flight of great multitudes of fowl, going southward from the hidden isles beyond Mhu Thulan; and by night he heard the distressful clamor of other passing multitudes. And always, in the loud wind and crying surf, he harkened to the weird whisper of voices from realms of perennial winter. Now Evagh was troubled by these portents, even as the rude fisher-folk on the shore of the haven be

The Dunwich Horror

The Dunwich Horror is my fave Halloween story, and one of my favorite stories period.  I first read it in those books we used to order in grade school, by Scholastic or Dell or some other entity.  I loved it then and now.  The tale of the Whately family up to no good whatsoever in the boondocks outside of the village of Dunwich, roadsigns since removed, is extremely gripping and very well written.  It is Lovecraft's masterpiece, and one of the few pulp stories to survive with all it's power untouched by 21st century movie conditioned taste.  It is curious that it has never been filmed the way it was written.  With CGI it can now be done right, and can now be done in such a way as to unleash the impact of Lovecraft's story and prose.  It is H. P.'s best, although I expect an argument from a certain Lovecraft überfan that I dast not name.  (… ).   In 1979 Heavy Metal magazine put out an all Lovecraft issue that completely missed the mark

Goodbye To You!

Image   This stunning rock piece only made it to 65 on Billboard.


Image Zasu Pitts, Gibson Gowland. Greed , 1924. d) Erich Von Stroheim, MGM. More human than human. Happy Halloween.

Boo, Y'all!

Greetings Boils and Ghouls, My name is Billy ''Darko'' Bunny.. join me won't you? in another spooky tale of the Eerie and Macabre... Many of us exist in what we believe to be reality but !! there are unseen forces, there is an underworld of the strange and Spooky...a place that is just as real but not as brightly lit..well my candle keeps going out....Welcome to... (because it's Halloween October) - Haunting Tales, From Beyond The Rabbit hole.. Intro When an Inviting Landlady offers you tea? and there is an odour of Bitter Almonds? I pray tell you not to drink it ! may end up stuffed and mounted... This is the Tale of.... ''THE LANDLADY''   By Roald Dahl.  From the UK series Tales of the Unexpected. The Idea Started with a random thought of Billy D Bunny character slumped in a chair, here's the sketch origin- Hope you enjoy the art.  Pleasant dreams. I'm off for a bloody Mary and a mutated carrot.

Second Variety

The Russian soldier made his way nervously up the ragged side of the hill, holding his gun ready. He glanced around him, licking his dry lips, his face set. From time to time he reached up a gloved hand and wiped perspiration from his neck, pushing down his coat collar. Eric turned to Corporal Leone. “Want him? Or can I have him?” He adjusted the view sight so the Russian’s features squarely filled the glass, the lines cutting across his hard, somber features. Leone considered. The Russian was close, moving rapidly, almost running. “Don’t fire. Wait.” Leone tensed. “I don’t think we’re needed.” The Russian increased his pace, kicking ash and piles of debris out of his way. He reached the top of the hill and stopped, panting, staring around him. The sky was overcast, drifting clouds of gray particles. Bare trunks of trees jutted up occasionally; the ground was level and bare, rubble-strewn, with the ruins of buildings standing out here and there li