
Showing posts from December, 2023

Struttin No' Mo

Robert Crumb got tired of Fritz and killed him off.  The Ralph Bakshi movie was the most successful independent cartoon like, ever, and Crumb got 10% of the 90 mil+ the movie raked in.  Listen, anyone who wants a character for their next project, give me 10% off the top and you can do whatever you wish to my rabbit.  Whatever . Vaughn Bode warned Bakshi that working with Robert Crumb was going to be a nightmare.  If you know anything about Bode that was a warning that should have been taken very seriously.  But hey, so what?  90 large in 1972.

Totally Vorpal


To Everybunny - Merry Christmas!

    Susan Wheeler. Possibly Pete Hawley. Eddie Selzer was the head of the Warner Brothers animation department from 1944 to 1958.  He was known for his unfailing ability to be dead wrong about what was funny, once announcing that bullfighting was not funny and Warner's wouldn't make any bullfighting cartoons.  That's what gave us 1953's Bully For Bugs, one of the very best of Warner's cartoons.  Chuck Jones and Mike Maltese figured that if Eddie said it then it was a sure bet that what he disapproved of was box office gold.  He also declared there was nothing funny about a skunk who spoke French, the short For Scent-imental Reasons won that year's Academy Award.  And...he opposed pairing Tweetie Bird with Sylvester the cat, the very first cartoon with them, Tweetie Pie, won Warner's it's first Academy Award for animation.  The card pictured above was sent to Carl Stalling.   Happy New Year, Russian.  (S Novym Godo

Hollis Hale's Last Joke

Image Kim Deitch, Arcade Magazine.  1976.  

Far More Modest Than I Usually Depict This Psycho Rabbit

A surprise gift from that artistic sensation Down Under, here is Billy D. drawn by -   Author and artist of Innocent Man Comics.   Check him out.

Mysterious World

 This superb sketch is by one of my favorite artists, Brendan11. Here a digitgrade rabbit with a sidearm has killed, or at least shot, a Furry Muncher Cruncher.  I have no idea what is going on but hopefully this was an act of bravery and good sense, not something I normally associate with mesomorphic tattooed sociopath chain-smoking jewelry wearing bunnies with energy weapons.  Brendan is unsure of the merits of this picture, proving once again that most artists are incapable of judging their own work.  Please feel free to write and beg, cajole, and importune the inking of this magnificent drawing.  Think of the children!

Katze und Schwein – ein Austausch!


Father's Last Escape

It happened in the late and forlorn period of complete disruption, at the time of the liquidation of our business. The signboard had been removed from over our shop, the shutters were halfway down, and inside the shop my mother was conducting and unauthorized trade in remnants. Adela had gone to America, and it was said that the boat on which she had sailed had sunk and that all the passengers had lost their lives. We were unable to verify this rumour, but all trace of the girl was lost and we never heard of her again.  A new age began - empty, sober and joyless, like a sheet of white paper. A new servant girl, Genya, anaemic, pale, and boneless, mooned about the rooms. When one patted her on the back, she wriggled, stretched like a snake, or purred like a cat. She had a dull white complexion, and even the insides of her eyelids were white. She was so absent-minded that she sometimes made a white sauce from old letters and invoices: it was sickly and inedible.  At that t