
Showing posts from December, 2012

Boxing Day Hijinx!

Dec. 26  Fulton Bar and Grill, Fulton, TX.  Cocktail napkins and ballpoint. 2 x Scribbles. These 2 by Graffo. This is a combined, beer stained nappie by Graffo and Scribbles.  No one pays any attention to us while we are drawing in a bar, it's that kind of place.  Nice.

My First Inkjob

This is my original splash page for "Bunny Love" which I decided not to use.  This is the first time I've used a brush to ink something.  As I relearn to draw, inconsistency will be a problem.  I felt that this picture gave the story away, and I hoped people would think it was porn.  I am going to ink the rest of this story.

Soon To Die

Radio problems plague tacticians.  This will be a real problem today as Major Lisenfeldt has all his command recievers tuned to the wrong frequency.  This platoon commander is trying to call in fire and he needs it now.  Alas, mon ami, it is not to happen.


I was always bothered by werewolves and the Hulk having pants on.  It just don't work that way.