
Showing posts from March, 2020

Some Long-Eared Classics

Perseus D Bunny.  I left out the winged sandals, the mirrored shield, the Cap of Invisibility, and the flying horse.  Those things are not realistic. The Iliad, Texas Style! To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace. My gladiator bunny has worked his way up to command of a legion.  The wolves don't care, they follow the Alpha, and as long as Flamma keeps them satiated with blood and gold that is just fine with them.   Flamma is consumed by ambition and is an extremely able and successful general.  The Emperor really should arrange an accident for this rabbit.  Bunnies just want to have fun. Odysseus has told Polyphemus, the Cyclops, that his name is NoMan.  That night, after eating several sailors and drinking wine, Polyphemus goes to sleep.  Odysseus and his remaining crew sharpen a pole in the fire and blind the monster.  He begans

B'wana Beast

B'wana Beast.  This is a for real comic published by DC in 1967. Showcase #66 February, 1967 The second issue. This is good art.  That is all I got to say about this. If anyone is wondering about the Rhino/Zebra, remember that the 'helmet' lets him combine two animals and control it/them.  At this point I can't stand it any longer and wish to point out that this costume would get him arrested during Mardi Gras at any point in it's history. Freedom Beast, B'wana's replacement.  You got to be fucking kidding me.  On top of the original insult to start with, now they put a black guy in here?  In a porn outfit? Still, he kinda makes it work.  Dynamite pro wrestling get up to be sure.  Pimp my Speedos! Lookin' pretty buff  at 53.  

Hokey Pokey

Steve Davis on Instagram.

We All Want This Over With

Please? Steve Davis on Instagram

Two In One

Porthole ponderings. Steve Davis on Instagram.

Sillidog's Weird Dream

Steve Davis on Instagram.


Frederick Wilhelm Kleukens, 1878 - 1956 Birds ABC, 1925 Birds ABC Frog Poster Bookplate, 1903 Bookplate Black Cat And Beer Das Wettlaufen zwischen dem Hasen und Swinegel in Bildern erzählt (The race between the rabbit and hedgehog is told in pictures). This is a brothers Grimm story, the hedgehog wins the race by using his wife as a double and she is always at the finish line before the hare.  The hare, infuriated, keeps running the race to prove how fast he is and dies of exhaustion.  There is a Bugs Bunny cartoon, Tortoise Beats Hare, that uses this premise. Am I the only one who thinks Grimm's tales are, well, grim? Auf Wiedersehen.

I Shall Bring You Wonders!

Steve Davis on Instagram.

Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard Grandville

Known as J. J., Grandville was an artist specializing in fantastic pictures and skewering the current mores.  Here is a strutting rooster.  I love the rabbit on kettledrums.  This seems to be just whimsy. The ragman.  This has no political significance that I can find. Family of Beetles.  This is not a ringing endorsement of the church. Going to the banquet.  Upper class mockery. Misery, Hypocrisy, Greed.  The aristocratic cat mourns the approaching death of his natural prey, the rat, who is dying in poverty.  A priest, a judge, and a policeman are shown as ravens waiting their turn for the spoils.  Had this not been drawn as a 'funny animal' picture the censors would have blocked the publication.    It is against the backdrop of press censorship and royal repression that Daumier created his searing indictment of an incident that occurred in Paris, April 15 1834, where a group of soldiers were allegedly fired upon from the upper stor