The Infallible Doctor Baywood!

      Every so often, Abner would ask himself what the Pack would think of a wolf who took orders from a foppish deer with dubious medical credentials. But then Abner would remember that it was the same Pack that had sent him, well, packing. He couldn’t help it if he loved to dance, nor could he help it that wolves were so darned serious most of the time.

      Abner had soon learned that dancing for small change on a street corner was no way to earn a livelihood. Yet Terpsichore does not forget her votaries; as if sent by the Muse herself, the Good Doctor Baywood appeared one day with an offer impossible to refuse. All Abner had to do was hobble about a bit until the doctor gave him a dose of his vile-tasting medicine. Then he could dance all he liked for the rest of the show. And not only that, he got a share of the proceeds and a warm bunk in the doctor’s wagon. Sure, the Pack might not approve, but for a Lone Wolf, he was doing alright.

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