B'wana Beast

B'wana Beast.  This is a for real comic published by DC in 1967.

Showcase #66 February, 1967

The second issue.

This is good art.  That is all I got to say about this.

If anyone is wondering about the Rhino/Zebra, remember that the 'helmet' lets him combine two animals and control it/them.  At this point I can't stand it any longer and wish to point out that this costume would get him arrested during Mardi Gras at any point in it's history.

Freedom Beast, B'wana's replacement.  You got to be fucking kidding me.  On top of the original insult to start with, now they put a black guy in here?  In a porn outfit?
Still, he kinda makes it work.  Dynamite pro wrestling get up to be sure.  Pimp my Speedos!

Lookin' pretty buff  at 53.

That's it, I can't even summon up a decent amount of snark for this.  Kudos to Andrew the Bee, Jungle Comics master, for bringing this to my basilisk attention.

Andy in a rare moment at home.  That is his eager assistant, Wendy, ready to tear into another uncharted Dark Continent adventure!


(Swahili for 'goodbye', subtlety is a waste of effort on this site). 

Jambo, B'wana!


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