(The National Institute of Co-ordinated Experiments is dedicated to purifying the Earth of 'unnecessary' organic life. Under the impression that the scientists involved are in control of the institute, they have the severed head of an executed murderer, François Alcasan, which will be used for a supremely evil purpose. There is an elaborate mechanism that keeps the head alive, or so they think. In actuality the head is for the physical embodiment of the Macrobes, aka the Dark Eldils, malevolent beings who lust for control of the Earth. The Earth is known as the Silent Planet as it is alone and cut off from the community of God. There is a barrier that doesn't permit direct supernatural action upon the Earth. But- by allowing entrance of the Macrobes unto the planet, they have also allowed the Other Side physical existence as well. In the above 3 of the scientists pray before The Head, which drools oils and speaks via an air pump machine. To...