An Attitude De-Justment

     Another still picture of my bad tempered fursona.  Great.  I swear I am going all sequential on this site after today.  Perhaps an obscure incident from a war, something really nasty.  There's a lot out there.  Maybe something from one of my autopsy books.  Or the high jinx of the criminal underworld, now there's an idea.  Y'all ever hear of the Harpe brothers?  I would do Sawney Beane and his lovely family except that they never existed.  Same with Christie Kleek, good story that it is.  Manson is boring, ditto the Mafia.  How about Gordon Stewart Northcott, a real piece of work?  Man is a wolf to man, to coin a phrase.  I've thought of illustrating some of "Dog Soldiers" by Robert Stone but that is depressing even to me, and I love the book.  (the movie was called Who'll Stop The Rain, and is well worth seeing.  Upbeat compared to the book, and it ain't upbeat.)  England is always good for a hair-raising story, maybe I can find something there.  Yesterday I found a comic called The Skelebunnies by Tom Kovac and it is a riot.  Rude and nasty, but to make one laugh.


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