
Showing posts from June, 2013

A Miracle!

     Obergefreiter (Lance corporal) Adolf Hitler steps out of his bunker and survives an incoming shell that obliterates the bunker and everyone in it.  He was apparently protected from on high.

Rockport Bluewater Beach (And Doggie!)

  I abhor water so I am sitting by a fearless crane that would not move even when I rebuked him. 

Scraps And Rags

     Early work about 5/12.  No reason to post this at all.  I think I was throwing scraps away and decided to keep this.  I think.

I Saw Ghosts Today

       My family has been coming to the coast since the early 60's, and my grandparents from way before that.  We would rent a bungalow in Port Aransas and spent a week or two during the summer.  This was hands down the best part of being a kid.      Today I got a really good flattop at Carrol's in Fulton.  When I left I saw my brother and me circa 1969 run past.  When I realized what I had seen I looked around but the kids were nowhere in sight.  I walked out on a pier where they must have been headed but there was no one.  I take this to mean ... but speculation is pointless.       This may even be a promise of a second chance. 

The Bulgar Slayer

     Basil II, King or Basileus of Constantinople, got tired of the constant trouble with the Bulgarians.  Following the battle of Kleidion (July 29 1014) he defeated the Bulgarian King Samuel and captured 15,000 of his men.  Basil blinded them all, leaving one man out of a hundred with one eye to lead the other 99 home.  King Samuel died of a stroke when he saw his men return.  End of Bulgarian troubles.      If I was in charge of Border Security, I have some ideas that will discourage this third world invasion.

The Sun Also Sets

     The heat is brutal out here and I look forward to the end of the day.  Watching the sun go down is something that I relate to, metaphorically and aesthetically.  The sun is setting on America, and the darkness will be permanent.       Nothing like ice cold beer to ease the light to night.

Alien Species Importation Danger

     Here I am trying to convince my cat Thomas Jonathan Jackson, aka "Stoney", to drop another fence lizard.  He is my mightiest hunter, and is wiping out the lizards.  When I moved here, there were few cats and none in my pasture.  Fence lizards look like horny toads with long tails.  I enjoy watching them and do not like them being killed.  I can always tell when Stoney has one by his over casual saunter as he heads under the trailer for a lizard session.  I can get the lizard about half the times that I see this going on.  However, eviscerated reptiles are a daily affair.

I Am So Sorry!

          If I didn't draw anthro I wouldn't draw at all.  It hurts no one and camouflages my lack of artistic education.  I still try to improve with every post.  It may surprise no one to know that I don't socialize much. 


     This is my take on Georges Leroux's painting of the western front.  I have always regarded this as one of the most terrifying images I've ever seen.  I like how the central figure, although doubtless scared, is poised to go forward and accomplish his mission.  People in the future will wonder why we ran our country today the way the generals ran the first world war when the alternatives were so obvious and clear.  Hell.  Georges Leroux. This is three years ago where I thought I could draw.  My rendering of this fantastic painting introduced humility into my consciousness, a first for me.  I know now that I can do a much better job but why bother? When I was a kid I always thought this a diorama. When he was a child, he wriggled and gurgled when his mother held him, until he fell asleep as she dreamed of what he would become. The British army offered a generous leave to any gun crew that could obliterate this.

Top Of The World!

White Heat, 1949. d) Raoul Walsh.

I Can Be Slow At Times

     I wasted my youth thinking I was to unattractive.  Now that I know better, I have wisdom that I cannot profit from.  I am confident to the point of arrogance in my physical strength, intelligence, and decisiveness.  But I have never been able to believe that the ladies liked me.  I don't know why I let that bother me.  It must be because I know my inner landscape and it is good that no one else does.