If...If...If...A Dog Story

     So this little dog I found, a Shih-Tzu, was an adorable, happy little thing that moved into my house and my life like she had been there always.  She nosed the cats, ate what I fed her, and slept next to me for three nights.  Monday I took her to check and see if she had been chipped.  I was certain that such a valuable and good little dog had a microchip implant.
     She did not.
     I was able to place her at a no-kill shelter where the pretty girl at the desk assured me that such a dog would be adopted as soon as they put her up for it, which would be the 30th.  The male attendant placed a leash on her and started to lead her into the room where a hundred unseen dogs were barking.  I stopped them and petted her one last time.
     "Good bye, Mopsie"  I said to her.  She wagged her tail as she was led away.
     I was back in the car and starting to drive away when the enormity of the crime committed against this lovely animal hit me.  As soon as she became inconvenient, someone slipped her collar off and dumped her next to the deadliest highway in Texas, in the nastiest part of rural central. I have been crying sporadically since. I mean, this is so fucking sad.
     Whoever this person is, I hope that I get the room next to them in hell.
     If my cat had not gotten sick.
     If Mopsie had not walked this way instead of that.
     If the Vet had not been refusing to take her when I walked up.
     If I had not found a no kill shelter. (I would have kept her).

    "Big If" is the title of Harvey Kurtzman's greatest work.  I cannot recommend it more.  Good night!

We are not sure of sorrow

and joy was never sure;

Today will die tomorrow;

Time stoops to no man's lure

And Love, grown faint and fretful,

with lips but half regretful

Sighs, and with eyes forgetful

Weeps that no loves endure.
Goddamn all those who are cruel to animals.


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