
     Two forward, three back.  I am stalled on my learning, and sometimes I give in to the sin of despair.  Above is my first refinished git-tar, and I am going to repaint it.  It is a Hamer and sounds very good but currently could look better.
     Current events.  Fuck with France long enough and they will hand your head to you.  The French military (not the conscripts) are as ruthless and efficient as any force on earth.  DeGualle's shameful betrayal of the Pied-noirs ushered in today's policy of "understanding" and "working with" the Muslim trash.  I predict that when France gets fed up there will be a bloodletting like never seen before, or since the 7 days.  It is time that we crush the mouth that bites the hand that feeds it.
    Ceterum censeo Islam esse delendum!


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