Thomas Jonathon Jackson. Adieu.

     As readers of this site know, a few days ago my beloved hunter cat, Stonewall, was poisoned.  That is four I have lost to the same group of welfare scum out in Garfield.  I cannot prove anything, except the death of Phoebe.  But coincidence is for God and small children.
     I would gladly trade all vengeance to have Stoney back.  He died arching in convulsions as the poison seized him.  I did not have the money to have him put to sleep.  I did not possess a firearm.  I did think that he had a chance.  He died one minute after I got back from the store with mineral oil for him.
     There is another world for our pets.  Received by beings of light, they are guided out of pain and sorrow into the meadowlands beyond the bridge.  There they will hunt and play and love and will forget the earth until the human that loved them arrives.  Then all will meld together and start again.
     Goodbye my darling cat, I must quit writing now as my heart breaks. 


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