
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Twittering Machine

Twittering Machine Paul Klee, 1922 Ever since I was a boy I have loved this picture for it's, well, everything.  It is elegant.  Spare, and with no unnecessary line or form.  And it is obvious in it's statement.  Although I am not a huge Klee fan, I also like this- Cat and Bird, 1928 You cat lovers will understand this very well! Insula Dulcamara, 1938 Bittersweet Island , his largest work.  Painted in 1938.  This guy is an artist at the very top.

I Am So Sorry For Her

Mary Jane Kelly This is a modern reconstruction of the below picture. This is what was left after the Ripper had finished with her, November 9th 1888. Those are her breasts and other parts piled on the table next to her head.  As can be seen, this was a crime of appalling savagery. Another angle of the above. 13 Miller's Court.  9 November 1888, 10:45,  Indian Harry comes to collect Mary's overdue rent.  We know what he found there. She may have looked like this, but I think this is idealized.  She was described as very pretty.  Of the five for sure victims, she was the only one with a place to live.  Burned cloth in the fireplace testifies to the killer having the time and need for illumination for a more extensive session with a victim. No one has any idea who the ripper was.  No one has ever named him with any certainty.  There were five victims, no more.   There ...

The Boy In The Box

Nearly 66 years after the battered body of a young boy was found stuffed inside a cardboard box, Philadelphia police say they have finally unlocked a central mystery in the city’s most notorious cold case: The victim’s identity - Joseph Augustus Zarelli.  (December 9 2022). February 25th, 1957.  Discovered next to Susquehanna Road, Fox Chase, by a man checking his game traps, he did not report him out of fear of the game laws.  Finally, the cops got involved.  Why the man did not do his clear civic responsibility I have no idea.  Fox Chase is part of Philadelphia. How could this have happened. Someone knows who this is.  He would only be a few years older than me.  But my parents loved me and did not beat me to death and leave my body by the side of the road.  There is a very good chance that we can find these scumbags and let them live out the rest of their sorry lives in a state prison. ...


Matthew Flinders, and Trim. Euston Station, London NW1 2RT Mark Richards, Sculptor Flinders and Trim Donington, Licolnshire   Judith Holmes Drewery, Sculptor Trim Sydney Sculptor John Cornwell Trim was born at sea, and as a kitten, fell overboard and climbed back into the ship on a line.  Why said line was in the water is up to speculation.  Maybe it was the log line, my source says a rope.  There is only one rope on a ship and it is attached to the bell.  I am a sailor and quite snobbish about nomenclature. He accompanied Matthew Flinders on his historic voyage mapping Australia, and was kidnapped and presumed eaten while Flinders was being held in French custody.  The French had no business imprisoning Flinders but the French empire had no business at sea, ha ha!  Oh, well, toujours l'audace. Trim is named after Uncle Toby's butler in Tristram Shandy. This portrait of Trim is done ...


On the Fourth I walked out of a convenience store and there was a very old man on a bench.  He had on a hat that read KOREA, and seemed dead.  I walked over and shook him, and he woke up and I told him about my uncle wounded at Chip Yong Ni.  He never said anything, but grasped my hand and knuckled it.  I guess he was appreciative that I stopped to talk.  I am sure glad he was alive. This was an attempt to move more in the direction of, say, Richard Scarry, anthro wise.  I fucked up drawing the bull man and decided the pic was not good enough to re-work, so, ici voila.