
Last night I put these images up on FurAffinity.  That is Kristen Lindsey, Doctor, on the right, and that is Tiger in both pictures.  As can be seen, she caught Tiger in jawed springtrap before shooting him with a hunting arrow.  Tiger belonged to an elderly neighbor, and enjoyed sitting on the mower while the grass was being cut.  There was no excuse for this appalling crime.  The above pic of Kristen was taken by her mother, in the presence of her father.
I was jumped on for violating FA's rules on violence, fair enough.  But one of the comments bothered me no end.   "Feral cats are a danger to the community and destroy the enviroment".
No one said a fucking thing about ferals, I had stated that Tiger was someone's very loved pet.  Imagine someone who claims to identify with animals saying something like that in the defense of this heartless murderer.  I am starting to suspect that many on these Anthro sites have no love for animals at all.  I wrote this person back and told him that that is what the Nazis said about the Jews.  As can be seen, the poor little cat had it's leg chopped off so that Kristen could pose for the camera.  This is off of her facebook page, posted for public use and viewing.  And-
It was proven in court that Tiger was still alive when this was taken.  Kristen has been denied a new trial.  We all make mistakes.  All of us have done wrong.  And I have fucked up more times than I can possibly remember.  But this is torture and murder by a person paid, licensed, to care for helpless animals.
Remember what she did.  Oh, yeah, this happened in Texas.  I suspect that some people feel that if an animal is not worth money, than it is not worth consideration.  
I have posted on this before but it was the reaction I got off of FurAffinity, a very good Anthro site, 
that shocked me. I know that most of the people on it are very young but kindness towards animals is the least one could expect from people who fantasize about sex with animal/human hybrids.  'Course there is the Vore crowd, the obesity freaks, cannibalism fetish types, diaper porn and all the others.  Furry is about fantasy and desire, and it is swamped with freaks and garbage.  As is FurAffinity.

Goodbye, Tiger.  There is a lovely meadow on the other side of the bridge and I hope you are enjoying it.
Update 10/7/21 - 
Dr. Lindsey got a year's supension and 4 years probation for this, and she appealed that decision.  Her suspension ended in 2020.  This heartless human will get what's coming to her.  The mill of God grinds slow but it grinds exceedingly fine.


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