
Showing posts from April, 2019

Roman Rabbit

Roman, bronze. I wonder what year this was cast.  I am looking for answers and will post further when I find them.  After all these centuries bronze casting does not get any better than this.

Long Time No See!

Billy has not seen his bestest friend in weeks.  He quit taking that medicine that made him sleepy all the time, and feeling peppy he walked to the park.  It was a warm and beautiful spring day.  And there he found Harvey sitting on a park bench.  So nice outside with his buddy.  Billy thinks that today would be great for roasting hot dogs over a campfire.  The old lumberyard would be just the place for a picnic!

Happy Easter, New Rome!

A lot of hopes were dashed today among the wolves of New Rome.  Flamma is saying, "See you in Hell, Kitty"!

Great Animal Lovers Are Often Pathetic In Their Hatred Of Humanity

August 16, 1933.  Hermann Goering forbids vivisection.  The artist is the American born Arthur Johnson, and this is not satire.  Johnson was a Nazi.  This was published in Kladderdatsch Magazine.  I am trying to keep this blog at least tangent to comic and anthropomorphic animal art so this more than qualifies. (The rest of this is what happens when I get loose with a computer and an internet connection.  For the record, I want a ban on all animal testing, no exceptions.  We have plenty of humans in this world and bad things sometimes happen to innocent people.  So why should horror be visited on those who cannot speak for themselves?  At the very least our useless, cruel, and foolish government should mandate the sharing of research data, a requirement that would effectively end animal testing.  Goering imprisoned those who tortured animals.  I would kill them). "An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a n...

Marching To A Very Different Drum!

 "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." You know who you are.   The above picture is a Jack Davis masterpiece.  The quote is from that useless beatnik Henry David Thoreau, Walden.


 Fishing does not come easily to rabbits, and mistakes are common.  Here everyone tries to make sense of a tangled line.  Eventually something will happen, but these two don't want to catch fish anyway.  The day is already fun enough!

One More




Next Installment

In which the bunny is hypnotized.