Great Animal Lovers Are Often Pathetic In Their Hatred Of Humanity

August 16, 1933.  Hermann Goering forbids vivisection.  The artist is the American born Arthur Johnson, and this is not satire.  Johnson was a Nazi.  This was published in Kladderdatsch Magazine.  I am trying to keep this blog at least tangent to comic and anthropomorphic animal art so this more than qualifies.
(The rest of this is what happens when I get loose with a computer and an internet connection.  For the record, I want a ban on all animal testing, no exceptions.  We have plenty of humans in this world and bad things sometimes happen to innocent people.  So why should horror be visited on those who cannot speak for themselves?  At the very least our useless, cruel, and foolish government should mandate the sharing of research data, a requirement that would effectively end animal testing.  Goering imprisoned those who tortured animals.  I would kill them).

"An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself.... I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp".

August 28, 1933 Radio Address, Herman Goering

Goering, Arthur Szyk

Hitler was concerned about animals and forbade the boiling of living lobsters and crabs.  Himmler wanted to abolish hunting completely.  Among the many hats he wore, Hermann Goering was the Chief Huntsman of the Reich, which added another silly uniform that he could wear to his collection.

 These were among the most evil humans who have ever held real power.  Goering implemented the Final Solution, the signed document ordering Reinhardt Heydrich to do so was produced at his trial for crimes against humanity.  In addition to looting all the art he could get his hands on, Goering left 6th Army to die at Stalingrad, having promised that he could resupply the men by air.  It was an impossible job and he knew it, and it was only to buy Hitler's favor that he agreed to such an insane commitment.  
Caring about animals is praiseworthy.  Slaughtering humans on an industrial scale is beneath contempt and beyond understanding.  Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich et al. were monsters.  Goering was a man of proven bravery and leadership ability.  He appreciated high culture and had no beef against the Jewish people, until he saw an opportunity for power.  He famously said, " I will decide who is Jewish".  He was also a moral coward who lived for Hitler's approval.
It is interesting that the primary animal rights group in the world is composed of unscrupulous liars and hypocrites who have built their organization on donations from the genuinely caring and the weak minded who cannot do research.  They expect others to do what they want to forbid, but it does not apply to them.  Who does this remind you of? 

A compassionate, tender heart.

(The title is a quote or paraphrase from A Coffin For Dimitrios by Eric Ambler, one of the most profound books ever written).   

Eric Ambler wrote Coffin in 1939.  He was a keen observer of what was happening on the Continent and his great novel is a metaphor and prediction at once, not to mention a ripping good yarn.  He was 39 when the book was published.  Only George Orwell was as good at putting ice cold reality into fiction.


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