
Showing posts from September, 2019

Public Service Announcement

You know who I'm talking to. Yum Yum.



Bounded By A Nutshell

Be kind and tender to the Frog, And do not call him names, As 'Slimy skin,' or 'Polly-wog,' Or likewise 'Ugly James,' Or 'Gap-a-grin,' or 'Toad-gone-wrong, ' Or 'Bill Bandy-knees': The Frog is justly sensitive To epithets like these. No animal will more repay A treatment kind and fair; At least so lonely people say Who keep a frog (and, by the way, they are extremely rare). The Frog , Hilaire Belloc Photo by on Instagram For those who may not know the name, Hilaire Belloc got off the sine qua non explanation of successful colonialism: "Whatever happens we have got, The Maxim gun and they have not". A useful maxim to know.

Robin Competes In Disguise

Image His disguise is the extra jewelry.  Robin does not think very highly of the Sheriff or his men.  These should be longbows, but there ain't no such thing as archer rabbits, so deal with it.  I gotta think of everything!

Andibi, Again

This was drawn by a 15 year old boy.  Now he is a very talented anthro artist, one of the best ever.  If he was this good 40 years ago that is 40 years of not being published when he should be.  Big breathrough a'coming!

The Silky, Sulky Bunny

I won't let Billy wear his jewelry in public, so today he got decked out and sulked in the backyard.  You try living with a 5' 7" resentful neurotic rabbit.  Now he won't talk to me and is throwing his empties into the pool.

Deliberate Error

Dateline, Hollywood - 1942.  Bugs Bunny shows us everything in "The Wabbit That Came To Supper".  In this, Elmer Fudd has to not harm animals, especially rabbits, in order to inherit 3 million dollars from his Uncle Louie.  Naturally, Bugs takes full bore advantage of this.  There is no doubt that we are supposed to think Bugs has just flashed us.  What you are seeing is the arch of the bunny's legs with a white bathtub behind him, the mechanics of a morally bankrupt transvestite psychopath rabbit stepping out of a shower hard would be a wonder.  Do not think for a second that these artists were unaware of what they were doing.  There was no reason to draw Bugs like that, no one would have done so just to make extra work for themselves.  They went out of their way on this one, these guys were.. .nefarious!  The guy in charge of Warner's animation division was Eddie Selzer, known for being dead wrong about everything that he thought wasn't funny.  T

Giddy Up!

Another disposable ink drawing from -  

Bon Jour, Monsieur le Lapin!

I was digging up the garden looking for a drainage pipe when I felt I was being watched.  This happy fellow moved into the old birdhouse and was keenly observing me.  He let me stroke him and scritch his chin when ...he left, no doubt in a huff.  Au revoir!

Beige, Bitchy Drag Queen Rabbit

Beige the Rabbit, handyman and over the top drag queen.  This is from- Performance of a Lifetime, written by Runtt and illustrated by Eldiman.  Joey, Charles and Beige. Charles's stage name is Sushi, and he is the butch member of this triad. Beige is probably not a Republican. Eldiman. Beige in concert.  Eldiman.  In the first Comic, Moving In, Lyle and Jason are getting their first apartment together when they meet Beige, not nearly as swishy as he is later depicted.  The art in that one was done by Meesh. Jason and Lyle.  Eldiman. Art the Red Panda does not get along with Beige.  Meesh. An unusual clothing choice, but not for this bunny.  All of these are from  Rabbit Valley Comics.  This is from 'Soaps', and has nothing to do with the pretty much non-story in the comic.    This is entitled "Getting the Shot", and is an example of the very skilled artist Meesh.  I cannot

Saturn, Edge On

     This is tonight's sunset, looking over upscale Key Allegro from the front of the house.  The near shore is the most popular pull over and fish site around, and I am surprised there is no one there.  Well sir, nigh over two year ago we'all had a wooden sign that read Connie Hagar Wildlife Sanctuary toward the right of the photo, and we got the critters to prove it.  Everyone but me hated the sign as it was right in front of the house.  My brother took this picture, he's real good with a camera.      


The Gulf of Mexico is the cradle of the possible.

I Tried Harder This Time

This weekend I redrew my art challenge from khasdannyanlord and I think this is the better picture.  Here is the lion I was using -      Khasdannyanlord His take on this fight.  This will be the first human my rabbit has ever seen, let alone fought.   But all's well that ends well!

Friday Frenzy!

  Today my brother sent me a very good drawing by the Norwegian Louis Moe. Spectacular, I think you'll agree. Rabbits serving up, among other things, meat. A transformation. Probably some fairy tale, long dark winters of seclusion living on moldy rye bread, beer, and salt cod do wonders for the imagination.  Prosit! (The tale is of Fenrir swallowing the sun at Ragnarok, although there are other legends of Skoll (he who mocks) and Hati (he who hates) swallowing the sun and moon respectively.  So long as somebody swallows the sun, anyway.  See what I mean about long dark winters)? Extremely moldy rye bread. Charming?  Off the chart! The Elf of the Apple Tree The peaceable kingdom, Twyla Tharp version. Detail from Les Pauvres, the poor ones. Detail from Les Pauvres L