Deliberate Error

Dateline, Hollywood - 1942.  Bugs Bunny shows us everything in "The Wabbit That Came To Supper".  In this, Elmer Fudd has to not harm animals, especially rabbits, in order to inherit 3 million dollars from his Uncle Louie.  Naturally, Bugs takes full bore advantage of this.  There is no doubt that we are supposed to think Bugs has just flashed us.  What you are seeing is the arch of the bunny's legs with a white bathtub behind him, the mechanics of a morally bankrupt transvestite psychopath rabbit stepping out of a shower hard would be a wonder.  Do not think for a second that these artists were unaware of what they were doing.  There was no reason to draw Bugs like that, no one would have done so just to make extra work for themselves.  They went out of their way on this one, these guys were...nefarious!  The guy in charge of Warner's animation division was Eddie Selzer, known for being dead wrong about everything that he thought wasn't funny.  This was the artists pulling one over on him, and us.   But make up your own mind:

     Ha ha ha!  Oh, that Fritz Freleng!  How I would love to see these unhinged artists' cocktail napkins after a Saturday night. 
     Oh, yeah, if this was what people think it is Bugs would be in great demand at parties.  What's up indeed!  The real point of this cartoon is that Bugs, while running for his life, stops and changes into ladies underwear.  (about 7:11)  Is there no end to this rabbit's appetites?

 Bugs is one hot rabbit, and he knows it.


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