Goodbye, My Darling Little Cat

Jinjur awaiting treats, and why am I taking my time about it? T his is Jango and Jinjur, respectively. Jinjur showed up at the trailer park I lived at in 2001. She was just a kitten. At the time I had a no pets policy that had been in place since I was divorced. I fed her, and a couple of days later I looked across the street and she was staring at me. I walked over and got her and I love her more every day. She has very little use for me except for the treat thing. I found Jango living under the hood of a neighbor's car in the spring of 2002. I wanted a companion for Jinjur, the neighbor told me I did not know how to handle cats so when she grabbed the little gray demon he laid her hand open but good, I snatched him out of the air when she dropped him. After that he could do no wrong! Jango died in 2018. One day he got all wobbly and that night I petted and brushed him and put on Old Cottonfields Back Home by CCR a...