Toys at War!


Hi Guys!


It's your pal, Andrew the Bee, again and I'm here to tell you that war isn't hell -- It's fun!   At least that's what the makers of these chintzy dime-store toys thought back in the days when World War Two was raging across the globe!

So let's check it out!


Cool!  Swat those Stukas out of the sky!

Go Johnny!  Kick that Nazi Teddy Bear's ass and run it over! 

'Course we're gonna need some colors.  I hope there's a lot of red paint in that box!

Got my own bomber group here!  And they're all made of plastic!

I love buildin' stuff!  This amphibious attack vehicle really floats, too!

Ha ha!  The enemy's stuff is just balsa-wood junk

Girls can fight too!  Send those paper dolls to the front lines!

Let's give Uncle Sam a hand with this Ratzi bastard!

Uh, wait a minute...  This toy doesn't seem like fun.     

Maybe war is hell after all.





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