Oh, How He Tries!

     A dull year so far.  But not everyone is as blase as I am about it.  Greg, the demon, is real angry that I won't do as he desires, and is getting loud about it.  Kill yourself, he screamed, and get it over with.  Your life is not worth living.  You are old and ugly.  I hate you.  Greg needs a replacement so he can move up the hierarchy in Hell, and selected me due to my depressive nature and meager prospects.  He didn't realize that my entire life has been like that and I ain't gonna freak out over it now.  Hell punishes failure severely, and I can see that Greg is blurring around the edges.  Looks like time's up for him.  I let him rant and wait for my nails to dry.  It just occurred to me that I am being followed by a six foot supernatural rabbit that no one else sees.  What a good idea for a play!  With a shriek he vanished and that was that for the Demon Bunny.  He was a rabbit just like me but without my good looks and sense of humor.  Greg was strung out one day in 1977 and got angry at a young cat.  While his old lady screamed at him, he tried to beat the cat to death with a sawed down shotgun.  When the cat hid under the couch, Greg tried to poke him out with the gun butt.  Bumping it on something fired both barrels and tore his head off.  The cat died of old age, his woman moved in with his dad, and detectives still show rookies photos of the scene while howling with laughter.  Fort Worth is one hell of a town.  I resent dealing with underlings.  If The Man wants me he should show up himself, although I expect he has bigger fish to fry than me.


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