Wallace Hartley's Violin


If the last song played by the ship's band as the Titanic sank was Nearer My God To Thee, and there are lots of reason to think it was, then it would have been the version by Sir Arthur Sullivan that Wallace Hartley grew up with.

'Gentlemen, I bid you farewell'.


  1. It occurs to me that many people ridicule what they did. NOT realizing that it was most likely an attempt to keep at least some of the passengers 'on track,' ie, CALMER. They would have had something to focus on.

    Of course some among the passengers probably freaked out even more.

    1. I think the band was very brave, they did not run for the boats, even if it was obvious there was no room. They showed class in the face of death and none of us can do any better than that. I didn't write about the violin going up for auction, this post was about courage among ordinary men that stepped up to the plate.


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