Fighting Done By Fools, Thinking Done By Cowards*


Two days ago I posted an illustration from the comic book 'Gender Queer' to demonstrate the absurdity of calling the banning of this book from public school libraries censorship. Here is a link to the picture-

As can be seen, there is nothing in the picture, properly labeled, that violates the community standards here on Deviant Art. In any event, I put mature tags on the post as well. I knew I was going to have trouble with the management over this, but the practice of pushing pornography on children is indefensible and one I felt like speaking out against. I never post anything political and only rarely talk about such things with a very few friends. Well!

DA took down my post.  My attempt to answer the notification was stymied by a notice telling me that it was computer generated, a neat trick indeed for those who deny demonstrated reason and truth. Never mind that it passed all requirements that determine what can go up here, by their own rules that picture should have been allowed. I was sent a notice that said the picture was determined to be 'pornographic'. In that case do I not have a point? If it is not fit for DA's arbitrarily enforced standards then it is not fit for kids to view. A search under 'sex' here will reveal incredibly graphic porn, along with many variants of the same including those that get off on filthy diapers, vore, obesity porn, incest, you name it. 

My post was taken down by moderators (presumably) with political and social axes to grind. My treatment by management was unfair and wrong, the act of those who believe silencing disagreement is victory. Here is the written text of the original post-

"Illustrations from 'Gender Queer', of which American liberal types claim, shrilly, that keeping this out of school libraries is fascism or Orwellian memory hole action. Many of the other pictures I found from this poorly drawn, designed to shock, boring comic book would not pass community standards here on DeviantArt and would get me slapped down, again, for posting graphic imagery. This sort of thing is the very essence of grooming and the proponents of putting this garbage into schoolchildren's hands are ipso facto advocating for child molestation. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that someone wants Tom of Finland or Onta's work in schools, I mean, why not? Why stop here? Gender Queer is the number one book cited in all reports about fascists wanting to censor and burn, odd I never see examples cited and displayed in these show trial protests.

"At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

But make up your own minds, by all means. This book is online and because DA just sent me a warning notice it is best to find it yourselves, I took down the link so as to mollify certain people here".

Not one word has been omitted or changed, I stand by what I say. The post was entitled 'Res Ipsa Loquitor', The Thing Speaks For Itself. My post was wrongly removed by those who cannot allow opinions different from their own, and abhor a level playing field. I am owed an apology from Deviant Art and the restoration of my original post. I followed every rule and regulation and was still censured, an explanation of such high handed action is in order. As an aside, I advocate for no political party or candidate except for my assertion that Cesare Borgia was in many ways an admirable leader who was the one person that could have perhaps, maybe, unified Italy centuries before it actually happened. Now you know.

 *“The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards".

Lt. General Sir William Francis Butler.


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