A View To A Kill

So me and my brother were watching The Big Valley today, Buddy Hackett was trying to convince Lee Majors that he was his dad, but he had run afoul of Bruce Dern and John Milford and trouble was a'brewing!  Then these two buzzards started swooping past our front window, one of their foul brethren was dead on the side of Fulton Beach Road, said bird just out of sight of this picture.  Steve snapped this shot of one of the flying scavengers as he passed the window, the cars were keeping both the creatures from landing and digging in on their former colleague.  The houses in the background are on Key Allegro, an upscale snooty neighborhood that got totally hammered by Hurricane Harvey in 2017.  As a full time bird rescue person it is my job to be concerned about any avian, even buzzards, but I dislike them and regard their cannibalistic impulses as punishment for their past lives as concentration camp guards and telemarketers.  They shit on their feet, you know, probably a sanitary thing.  Bird sanitary.  I first noticed the deceased buzzard yesterday but there is a ditch between us and the road and I didn't want to get my Fairmount zebra skin loafers wet and muddy, plus I was pretty sure he was dead. 
Very dead.

Photo by Steve Davis - www.instagram.com/sdavis.howdy…

But where is Mickey Rooney?


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