To Everybunny - Merry Christmas!



Susan Wheeler.

Possibly Pete Hawley.

Eddie Selzer was the head of the Warner Brothers animation department from 1944 to 1958.  He was known for his unfailing ability to be dead wrong about what was funny, once announcing that bullfighting was not funny and Warner's wouldn't make any bullfighting cartoons.  That's what gave us 1953's Bully For Bugs, one of the very best of Warner's cartoons.  Chuck Jones and Mike Maltese figured that if Eddie said it then it was a sure bet that what he disapproved of was box office gold.  He also declared there was nothing funny about a skunk who spoke French, the short For Scent-imental Reasons won that year's Academy Award.  And...he opposed pairing Tweetie Bird with Sylvester the cat, the very first cartoon with them, Tweetie Pie, won Warner's it's first Academy Award for animation.  The card pictured above was sent to Carl Stalling.


Happy New Year, Russian.  (S Novym Godom)

So Merry Christmas from the, uh...editor, the one on the rabbit desk.

Our second Christmas and only one editor even tries.  This site depends on teamwork and cooperation, you know.  Oh, well...we'll pretend the above picture shows a happy and efficient staff, who above all place their contributors and readers first. 

Merry Christmas, purty child

Jesus meek an' Jesus mild.

Underneath the Christmas tree,

 There's a gif' for you from me.

                       Ho                                                       Ho                                                          Ho!

Christmas poem from The Grapes Of Wrath.
Merry Christmas.


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