Tawky And Hoppy

Tawky Tawny, Captain Marvel.  Furry before there was a name for it.

C. C. Beck, artist.  This is One Dapper Tiger!

Adam and Eve were only naked after they tasted the Forbidden Fruit.  

Ron Goulart said that he had no problems with Captain Marvel but a talking tiger was unrealistic!
All In Color For A Dime, 1969.

I am surprised he ever had any.

Of the three of them, only Tawky has a sense of style.

Metaphor, anyone?

A tiger has a lot of nerve saying something like this.  And ain't he from India?

Ahead of his time.

Since Captain M. is not retarded this must be a dream sequence.

Now this is just weird!  But hey! -
'Hoppy is a pink rabbit who lives in the town of Funny Animalville, along with an assortment of other funny animal characters. As revealed in the origin story from Fawcett's Funny Animals #1, Hoppy is a fan of Captain Marvel. One day, he decides to emulate his hero and speaks the magic word "Shazam!" Surprisingly, the magic word transforms Hoppy into Captain Marvel Bunny'. -  Wikipedia.  Oh, Hell, while I'm at it:

Captain Black Bunny, by Chad Grothkopf.  He is the lapin equivalent of Black Adam, a pesky ancient Egyptian with super powers and really cool eyes.  Black Bunny was referenced in this -

Blackjack O'Hare of Rocket Raccoon fame.  This is the Black Bunny Brigade.

 Here at Mister Scribbles we keep our eyes on the goal, which is the bringing of Anthro Rabbits to the world.  Mr. Tawny is a great Furry creation, but now it is time to return to our roots.

Shazam, indeed!

All these Hoppy drawings are by Chad Grothkopf, who drew the first animated cartoon created for broadcast television, no one saw it as very few people had sets.  (Willie The Worm, Flescher Studios, 1938.)  Huge talent, I just now heard of this guy.


Willie The Worm from Funny Animals.

  Sic Transit Gloria Mundi!

Oh...I forgot what I was doing.   Remember Tawky?  This post is about Tawky.  On that note I'll leave these two back in the shadows of forgotten comics.  Captain Marvel et al. died when C. C. Beck quit drawing him, comic heroes give way to other toys.
Best of luck to the both of you, wherever you are.


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