The Quality Of Manhood Is Not Strained

     Churchill advised us to never, ever, ever quit except for considerations of honor or good sense.  The crisis is coming, and when it does real men will prevail.  'Nuff said.  Oh, and "Befehl" is misspelled.  I hope that is close to the way the Swiss would spell it.  And, of course, "Tyrant" is spelled with an "a".
     While I'm editing this let me point out a flaw in the William Tell story.  We are told that Tell took out two arrows with the intent killing Gessler if he had missed the apple and hurt his son.  Great story, physical impossibility.  Those crossbows had to be cocked with a windlass.  No way someone is going to watch a man who has just been forced to kill his own son reload a very powerful weapon.  The only way that the Tell story could be true is if he was using a bow.  I drew the crossbow 'cause all the accounts say "crossbow".  Other than that it is a great story and one I believe is true.  Sometimes history is true even when it is interesting.


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