Flattened Affect Day


 I need two things from our society- fresh coffee and unlimited tobacco.  I do not need the police, EMS, politicians or protection from imaginary enemies.  If something happens and those entities could have saved me, tuff.  I won't squawk.  Our leaders are so shortsighted and stupid that we cannot recover from this financial catastrophe.  We can recover the respect (fear) that we were once held in by the world with an American Churchhill, but there ain't one.  Of course, as we go so goes the earth. 
     One can see what has happened to the first world by looking around and watching how many people depend on electronics to avoid thinking.  If they are not using their hand held brain upgrades, they will be chattering away on a communicator as if life itself depended on whispers in the aether.  To quote a genius writing team, our society is so much pornographic Muzak.
     All of this could have been avoided had our leaders realized, or cared, that a chaotic system cannot be fixed with additional factors and micromanagement.  The wolves are getting very, very close to the troika, and grandma and the baby have to go.


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