France Should Be Proud

      Roger Degueldre put his life on the line to avenge the sell out of the pied-noirs by de Gaulle.  Utterly fearless, this splendid man was promoted from the ranks to Lieutenant of the Foreign Legion.  A survivor of Dien Bien Phu.
     Roger Hercule Gustave Degueldre May 19 1925 - July 6 1962,  Knight of the Legion of Honor. Leader.  Hero.  Killer.  Savage.  Brave.  Tough.

Degueldre being decorated by General Massu.  The civil war in Algeria was unbelievably ferocious and the starting point for today's problems with Arab terrorism.


He was arrested on 7 April 1962, condemned to death on 28 June and executed by firing squad in the Fort d'Ivery near Paris on 7 July. Three officers appointed to command the firing squad refused and were demoted. In the event only one bullet from the 11-man firing squad hit him. The officer in charge emptied his revolver into Degueldre and had to get a second weapon to finish the execution.

When God made this guy he forgot to put in the quit. 


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