I Have Mentioned This Before

ME- My first book bought just for me was the Giant Golden Book of the Illiad and the Oydyssey illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen. It changed, or reinforced, my life. The image above is of Menelaus about to settle things with Paris. For sheer imagery of ancient, super-cool warfare nothing could have been better for a young boy who already had a history fixation. . I have always carried this image with me. No other artwork, artifact or story has ever conveyed concentration on the job at hand as well as this does. Now that I do a search comma the above picture is of Paris. No matter. I got the idea at a young age. Mom and Dad gave me an acoustic git-tar today. It has electric strings but that will be fixed as soon as I get home to Austin. Drawing of a neurotic, sexy, dangerous rabbit tuning an instrument on a ...