A Coffee Shop Rendevous

     While drinking much coffee at Starbucks, my friend Katherine received a a call from one of the gang.  He wanted us to meet him at Opa's, a coffee place down Lamar a ways.  It is next to Bead It, a bead shop I look into to see if I can find useful bling for my belt projects.  I did not want to go but after Kate told me to about four times and promised to buy me a coffee I went.
     I am glad I did.  Opa's is a great place with lots of atmosphere and a place to smoke outside, unlike Starbucks where we are not allowed to smoke but do anyway.  We met Bryan and congratulated him on his recent birthday.  He is a hell of a smart and nice person and it is an honor to know him.  While everyone was gossiping away I started a picture of me sitting under the oak tree drinking coffee.  The above is the first attempt, soon abandoned.  Into the recycle bin it goes.

     Next attempt.  It just does not work for me and I decided to try again.  Static, pointless, dull.

     Same problem.  Not counting the obvious disturbed personality this shows it is boring.  This parade of bunnies is starting to look like Louis Wain's purported descent into madness.  (A false progression demonstrated by out of context presentation of his madhouse drawings of tile designs).  I guess I will try again tomorrow.
     A good day to you all!


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