Mussolini And Violet

This is a drawing I started for MichaelB303 on Fur Affinity.  He wanted something from the 1920s, oddly enough, but I used the concept I first had for my post entitled "The Monkey Bite".  I was trying to do something other than the Valentine's Day massacre or Floyd Collins.  I overestimated my abilities.  This was going to show Violet Gibson coming within one inch of blowing Mussolini's head off.  He snapped to attention when the national anthem came on, and she shot his nose.  In an act of great magnanimity, he ordered her returned to England where she would die in an asylum.  Her father was Lord Chancellor of Ireland.  She would now be classified as a paranoid schizophrenic, unless I miss my guess.
This incident was the basis for the incredible denouement of  "The Day of the Jackal".

The hat I have depicted is what Il Duce was wearing during his incredible and humiliating escape from the Gran Sasso.  He was actually wearing a Derby, and very natty he was.  He had his moments.

This was going to be Jack Dempsey training for the Firpo fight, as I wanted to stay as far away from the Bellows painting as I could.

Yep, this one.

I am going to do this right, Mike. I promise!

Lo prometto! it just me or is there some resemblance?


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