Thrift Store Report For Saturday April 4th

The artist is Helen Williams.  She does not show up on the net, but this anthro immodest cat was two dollars.  The work is original on Bristol board, and the frame is awesomely well done.   I really like this, and am going hang it where I can see it.

I found this outrageously well done bunny and son for fifty cents at Castaways, which is a church charity thrift store and not an exciting dance bar, alas.  This is c. 1950-70, and the modeling is outstanding.  Disney grade anthro.

Mischa deals herself in.  I also got an excellent Resistol fancy stitched belt for half a dollar, and a really bitchin' brown leather belt with white leather stitching for two dollars.  Then off to Starbucks, where I walked in and the girl apologized but she was just going to brew some coffee and would I mind waiting?  As this place is notorious for hours old coffee that worked out just fine for me.  
Great hunting!


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