
Showing posts from February, 2018

Terrence Mckenna, Skewered

This is Terrence McKenna, the drug addled philosopher who pushed the idea of mushrooms and such leading to modern human brains and behavior.  I would think that other humans, especially those with weapons, would be a far better starting point. Something like this. This stop-motion piece by Sarah McDaniel is a riot.  Voice of Terrence McKenna.   He still might have been on to something, just to be fair.  We developed intelligence for survival.  Humane behavior was a luxury that came after dealing with our environment and other humans.  There is never enough of anything to go around, after all.  I bet Terrence was a very cool guy to hang with, except in a life or death emergency, and he probably had the best weed available.  Simply being crazy in no bar to my friendship. .


Flamma and Ferro are the sensation of New Rome.  Ferro, in back, loves the attention.  Who has ever seen a bloodthirsty rabbit before?  The ladies throw their underwear at his feet when he wins.  Flamma likes to fight and hates the Wolves.  He also likes to kill guards.  Far too valuable to maim or kill, he spends his spare time in chains, brooding like.  Attendance is way, way up at the Games.  And Monday is lady's night! Needless to say, the Wolves cannot let this go on. Photo by First Light.

Foxy Flapper And Furry History

Furry History Art by Foxy Flapper. One of the problems of drawing anthros is the tendency to put their images in isolation from a real universe.  I ought to know, I regard backgrounds as anathema and use of color an annoyance.   I recently tried Google+ again and I find the same old story.  Most sites have no focus, it appears that the furry thing attracts only young, stupid kids with no inner compass.  No stories, no character development, abysmal art.  Raiders and other children cannot leave these sites alone.  Posting is slow to non-existent, and the site dies under it's own weight.  Most sites have no direction and no originality, and this is particularity apparent in comic book sites.  Comics have a long and very interesting history, and yet I cannot find a one that does not feature Marvel or DC's stock superheroes who represent the corporate bottom line instead of story.  So when I find talent and intelligence it is a real treat to view such a site.

The Elephant Of The Bastille

    24 February 1808, Napoleon Bonaparte decrees a giant elephant monument to be cast in bronze from cannon taken in the battle of Friedland in commemoration of the storming of the Bastille.  In 1814 a full size plaster model was in place. The vision. The reality.  The elephant was falling apart and became a haven for rats.  It was standing in a swamp. This is for a film of Les Miserables at the Royal Navy College of Greenwich.   "Few strangers visited this edifice, no passer-by looked at it. It was falling into ruins; every season the plaster which detached itself from its sides formed hideous wounds upon it … There it stood in its corner, melancholy, sick, crumbling, surrounded by a rotten palisade, soiled continually by drunken coachmen; cracks meandered athwart its belly, a lath projected from its tail, tall grass flourished between its legs; and, as the level of the place had been rising all around it for a space of thirty years, by

Horror Comics

Crime SuspenStories.  The Johnny Craig cover that William Gaines had to defend, lamely, to the U.S. Senate's inquiry into teenage criminals.  May 1954. Weird Terror.  Don Heck, 1954.  This drawing has  it all. The Senate displays the rot inside the Great American Tutnum. Black Cat, 1954.  Mindless, vicarious sadism.  Lee Elias, pencils.  What a time to be among all those wonderful magazines! Classics Illustrated, 1943.  These things were everywhere when I was a boy.  The bizarre faded colors combined with sub-standard art made these comics unforgettable.  I guess they were always in print.  One time I was being baby-sat by the future comic book artist Ken Huey, and I mentioned these to him and was shocked to hear how bad he thought the art was.  I guess that back then I was more story driven.  I sure have opinions now. Another Johnny Craig cover, one of the best p

New Friends

This is a marble tile topped with three thrift store dogs, all purchased for forty cents each.  The tile cost fifty cents.  They are fastened with a strong, flexible glue that I use for my belting nonsense.  The tile looks like the dogs are standing on a galaxy map. These are the only seriously done dogs I have bought.  Each of these is a marvel of realism.  Most of my chinaware animals are from Japan 1945-70, and they are not exactly life models. This tableaux is for Dexter.

Due Dei Migliori!

RanXerox, my hero. This is drawn by Gaetano Liberatore. I was in the Corps in 1979 when this first came out in Heavy Metal.  I was thrilled by this bad tempered, ultra powerful android with superior taste in clothing.  In that first issue Rank crushes the hand of a little girl selling flowers.  All the others in the cafe applaud him.  Apparently these girls are a nuisance.   Liberatore and Tamburini.  I think Rank's girlfriend is named Lubya.  Lubna. What a great concept. But I prefer the work of Magnus. Milady 3000. Necron. Milady 3000. Kriminal.  Greedy for gold!   This is just so fucking hot.  When machine gunning people point blank, a skin tight skelton body suit is not only de rigueur, but positively a la mode!    And then there is Satanik.

The First And Only...

Image in space.  Meet Felicette, plucked from the streets of Paris to become Astro Kitty!  (chat de l'espace).  On October 18th, 1963. she went suborbital and did quite well.  So well that 3 months later those goddamn scientists killed her and autopsied her brain.  You would think that at the time Algeria was more important than dispassionate cruelty.    Pauvre chat! Thanks for nothing, Starcat. Back home. Of course there was nothing to be found by killing her, nothing.  Here she is with the people she loved and trusted. Sorry sons of bitches. (Misérables fils de putes). Belle chérie Felicette. Je suis vraiment désolé. Il n'y avait pas besoin de votre mort. J'espère que vous ronronnez sur les genoux de Dieu. Maintenant, vous êtes avec ceux qui vous aiment et vous chérissent, parmi les étoiles pour toujours. (Beautiful darling Felicette. I am really sorry. There was no need for your death. I hope you are purring on God's knees. Now