Due Dei Migliori!

RanXerox, my hero.

This is drawn by Gaetano Liberatore.

I was in the Corps in 1979 when this first came out in Heavy Metal.  I was thrilled by this bad tempered, ultra powerful android with superior taste in clothing.  In that first issue Rank crushes the hand of a little girl selling flowers.  All the others in the cafe applaud him.  Apparently these girls are a nuisance.  

Liberatore and Tamburini.  I think Rank's girlfriend is named Lubya.  Lubna.

What a great concept.

But I prefer the work of Magnus.

Milady 3000.


Milady 3000.

Kriminal.  Greedy for gold!


This is just so fucking hot.  When machine gunning people point blank, a skin tight skelton body suit is not only de rigueur, but positively a la mode!

 And then there is Satanik.


My dreams are not placid.


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