How I Got Started With All This Anthopomorphic Graphery

This is supposed to be a furry cartoon blog.  I am so unsure of myself that I have not tried to do a sequential comic, something that has been part of my life as far back as I can remember.
Anyway, about ten years ago I was reading Maus and I got the idea to draw a story called Chat, about the adventures of some cats at Dien Bien Phu.   Not only was my skill gone after a twenty five year layoff from artwork, but my writing sucked as well.  At first my hero was a strong young cat but I decided there was no challenge to simply drawing another idealized soldier in comic form.  I made him a bunny so that he would have to earn the respect of the other paratroopers.  I redrew what I had and was happy with it until I read Usagi Yojimbo.  I had seen it for years but I thought it was Manga.  Well, fuck.  I can't use a warrior rabbit when this guy had such great work out there.  I sulked for a while and then decided that no one owned Antho rabbits so I kept the character and dropped the story.  I found out about Furry stuff in 2012.  I started posting drawings that illustrated something in my life or something I had read about.
The more I saw of the Furry art on the net the more I felt bad about my lack of skill.  I used to draw these posts in a coffee shop, but here on the coast the nearest decent one is thirty miles away.  Ever since the hurricane wiped out my readership I have been reluctant to try hard.  Only habit keeps me going.  

My first incarnation of Billy D. Bunny in 2012.

My first anthro drawing, 2012.

I like military history but as I age I cannot identify with it the way I used to.  I have to imagine that I could perform well in a battle and reality has put paid to that delusion.  I also think that I am good looking and no amount of reality affects that.  It's a guy thing.
Furry means porn if you read it for any length of time.  My attempts at drawing erotica just did not work.  One has to pull out all stops i.e. graphic depiction and I just can't do it.  This is not a moral thing but I have friends and family that claim they read this blog and I ain't comfortable about that.  .
I draw Billy the way I want to look.  I want to always be strong and graceful.  I want to look like I am twenty again.  Fuck! I had it all and despised myself. 
Idiot.  See what I mean about my ego?

More like it.  The old king Lupus in a showdown with his very capable but very ambitious rabbit general, Lepus.  But, as usual, I got bored with this even though that is one of my best rabbits ever.

This was an idea sorta based on something that happened in an attempt to relieve a very- bad- place- to- be strongpoint.  The young lieutenant leading the effort had a mortar round land between his feet as he was crossing the metal runway.  When he saw his men were going to rescue him, facing certain death for them all, the officer shot himself.

A Legionnaire officer about to lead a raid on the AA positions west of the main camp.  Failure to do so will doom Dien Bein Phu very quickly.  But the main commander of this assault has all his radios tuned to the wrong frequency as his men are being chopped apart.  Normally this attack would have been led by the unbelievable Major Marcel Bigeard, but he was exhausted and a Legion major, who was a fuck up, took over.  C'est le guerre.

Here I am fantasizing about being Lt. Hugh Barr Miller.

The Wolfman of Arundel Island.  I have known about this guy since I was a child, and it remains my favorite war action by an individual.

And my werewolf stage.  Here is the first earring I drew.

I had been reading Red Harvest.

Counter attack to try and recover Elaine, a vital hill overlooking the main camp.  The cat on the right is the very image of my adorable Phoebe, killed by a pack of the neighbor's dogs.  She died at the vet's when they said even if they could save her she would be living in hell.  I made the call.  I failed her so badly. I had constant trouble with all the white trash out there. Oh, yeah, the French never retook Elaine, which overlooked the main camp.  The Viet Minh burrowed straight through it and, impervious to counter artillery, fired down on the camp for the rest of the battle.

All that green area is hills and Viet Minh artillery positions.  This was an insane idea to start with
and got a lot of good men killed.  The limit of French resources is demonstrated by the paucity of aircraft used for the initial drop.  Every plane, except two, available in Indochina was used, some eighty in all.  Some of those were Wehrmacht Junker transports, long past their operational life.  That we went in a decade later and thought we could bend Uncle Ho to our will is beyond belief.  And that with exponentially greater resources.  This amounted to treason on behalf of the American Government.  It was folly run wild.  This hurt our society worse than prohibition by destroying all faith in our government, shaking everything to it's core.  Our current left wing is a direct result of this unreal fuck up.  Over 50,000 dead Americans, God knows how many casualties, mass murder of inoffensive civilians, and the indelible stain of My Lai, among others.  A Trillion plus dollars wasted. If Lt. Calley had just called in an air strike against that village it would never have been heard of.  What a fucking disgrace.  And what are we doing in Afghanistan?



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