
My brother Graffo did this last night.  He insists that it is a palimpsest.  I say it has to be scraped or washed so the underwriting, or scripto inferior, does not show.  When papyrus was used, the page was washed.  Vellum, or pergamene, was scraped.  Pergamene is from Pergamon, where the best Vellum was made. Pergamon's king left his land to the Romans, who immediately plundered it with taxes, confiscations, and theft.  Pontus was right next door, and Mithridates fought Rome all his life.  He also poisoned his mother and just about everyone else.  He built up his tolerance to poison so much he was unable to kill himself with it when the jig was finally up.
Anyway, my brother says he has an art degree and that I should shut up. 
As if!

 steve @_livingdog - Instagram


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