
The Descent From The Cross, Peter Paul Rubens.
Easter is tomorrow, and we don't need to mar the occasion like Captain Flemish Bringdown has done.  Let's take a look at what Easter really is all about here in the good ole U. S. of A.

Silly bunnies.  Gnomes eat rabbits!

Bunnies, flowers, chicks, a bluebird, lots of pink, lot of smiling.  This card has it all.

Bonjour, Monsieur Jesus!  Comment ca va?

This group of undead bunnies was painted by Robert Graef in 1922 for some woman's magazine cover.  Mr. Graef was a well known pulp illustrator that I have never heard of.  

This artist probably did not like the work he was doing.

This was on Pinterest in the Easter Vintage section.  
Available for parties, weddings, bar mitzvahs.

The artist who designed this bunny was really good.  Squeaks when pressed.

Now here is a design artist of a more modest vision!

The pencil work on this is dazzling.  This is some name artist.

Too cute for words but a supremely good furry drawing.

I wish I could draw this well.

Early gender reinforcements.  Conformity "takes" better during a holy day.

Superior anthro bunny.  

Although I dislike the way the girl is drawn, this is a very good artist, producing what his employers wanted.


This is a great ad artist at the top of his game.

Weird and wonderful.

Art by Marjorie M. Cooper.  Pretty damn good.

Real good.

What is behind all this.

One for an uncle.  Artist Pete Hawley.  This has been my Easter post.
Happy Easter to all!


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