What A Great Guy!

Angelo Polizano, Humanist and friend of the de'Medici brothers who were running Florence, Lorenzo and Guiliano.  Here he is pictured as tutor to young Giulio, son of Guiliano.  

Lorenzo by Verrochio.

Giuliano by Verrochio.

26 April 1478

Upon the elevation of the host at high mass in the Duomo the Pazzi made their move.  Bernardo Baroncelli  thrusts a knife into the chest of Giuliano, crying out, "Here, Traitor"!  while Francesco Pazzi repeatedly stabbed him.  Two of the assassins were priests, as the pope was in on the whole thing.  The priests went for Lorenzo, who dodged a knife thrust which cut his neck.  At this point Lorenzo comes up with a sword, and Polizano got him into the sacristy and dogged the bronze doors.
80 people were executed by Lorenzo or by lynchings.  The guy that is credited with saving his life, Angelo Polinzano,

... was gay and no one really snubbed him for it.  I think he had some chats with the Office of the Night people but that was it.  Every account mentions him as if he saved Lorenzo's life, although I do not see Lorenzo the Magnificent with a sword an insignificant factor in a shrieking melee, which this was.  Maybe Angelo pulled him into the chamber before he rushed the four assassins.
Angelo Polizano died of arsenic poisoning at the age of 40, courtesy of Piero de Medici, who was a fuck-up as well as a murderer.

Execution of Bandino Baroncelli, drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci.
December 29, 1479



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