I Have Been Slacking Off

...And if I am going to have a blog I need to keep it at least worth looking at.  I have not drawn for a week as things have been depressing, and that makes me non-creative.  Lazy, if you must be cruel.

Coffee shop newspaper from my brother, and pretty good too.

Cat, book, woman.  Artist unknown.  Reason for sending me this unknown.  Fuck it, publish the pic anyway.  

Anthro rabbits move to the head of the line usually on this site but I don't know about this.  Looks like cheap science fiction magazine work, I do not see how this could be anything else.  The building is Moorish and it is in an egg or melon held by a steely gazed bunny.  
Good enough for inclusion here.  Why get picky now?

July 4th, looking towards Rockport's blue water beach.


Norman Saunders, Mars Attacks.  Some very talented smartass modified this, I found it and posted it here!


Norman Blaine Saunders, 1/1/1907-3/7/1989

I can think of several things that recommend this picture.  You can see why this guy worked steady!

Weird Science # 16  Nov. 1, 1952.  An industry based on a comic book cover. Wally Wood.

Norman Saunders on right, 1962 Men's Magazine model shoot.  Ha ha!  Military Police and Combat Engineer in the big one.
Artists and actors were made of very different stuff back then.

Wally.  Merchant Marine and 11th Airborne, WWII.  I have seen his work my entire life.


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