Jack Kirby

Jacob Kurtzberg

Served as a scout while in the infantry, WWII.  He would draw maps of the target for the command.  Jack grew up on the lower east side of New York, a lifelong friend was Leon Klinghoffer.  Tough neighborhood, tough kids.

He bought his first house from the money he earned drawing this stuff.

Self portrait.


All the Fantastic Four movies and cartoons really suck bad.  The movie version of Doctor Doom is as laughable as the Four themselves.  There was no reason at all for those films to be as bad as they were.  None.


No other artist in this field drew so many different comics.

Master of layout and design.




Etrigan.  This really helped with the waiting to grow up thing.


But everyone has flaws, and Jack was no exception.  Bucky was the worst possible partner for Captain America, only Robin could have looked more suspicious.

My all time favorite drawing.

Too much!

He did this sort of thing better than excellent.

As Pip the Troll, from that incredible Jim Starlin opus about Warlock and the Magus.

Jack Kirby by Alex Ross.  Just perfect.

Jack wearing his Combat Infantryman's Badge.  That is the one medal Stilwell wanted and he received it on his deathbed.  It is a very fine thing to have earned.

My words cannot do this man justice.  Goodbye, Jack, you really made a difference.


Great skills on display.  Inks by Mike Royer.


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