All Life Void & Meeningless

As you drive into Aransas Pass from Rockport on the old 35 highway, there is this hateful, nasty old man who stands out every day with his, er... message.  My brother got this picture yesterday, normally these signs are unreadable from 10 feet away, never mind while driving past at 40 miles an hour.  Here we can see that mindless fury and laughable ignorance are not exclusive to the Klan, although the reasoning and the orthography is probably par for the course.  I mean, this vicious, bearded example of the best this country has to offer must get up at five to take his station, I don't know if his sign changes or not, I have never been able to read it.  Make no mistake, we are witnessing a new order of intelligence!

God is an incestial God who inbreeds humans.  It is better to be a queer than Inbreed.

I need to get a picture of the guy, he makes Popeye look like the young Michael Biehn.

     An man and his signs, the very picture of courage and virility, risking it all since,... whenever.  But this is America, and everyone has the right to say what they believe, which is why I am calling out this person for the hatemonger that he is.  Just because someone is consumed by hate in public does not make them crazy. 

Blacking all life that was not in a sealed volt.

Art by Rick Baker.  Yes, that Rick Baker.


  1. I checked out the area on Google Earth. No sign of him, must've gone into the Dairy Queen for lunch.


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