The Time Of Long Shadows

 Not far away the townspeople gather at the monthly fair on the bay, laughing and buying hot fried foods and hand made crafts.  The weather is lovely after such a harsh winter, and the ladies are as scantily clad as modesty and the sun permits.  Billy faces north towards the union of the land and sky thinking that he has forever missed his chance to fall in glorious, or at least needed, combat.  Everything seemed so assured in the heady days of his youth!  With him is his dead cat Mingo, who is fond of the rabbit in spite of his many shortcomings.  There is a live band which, the bunny is thinking, sucks.  He is down among the dead again and is oblivious to the lure of souvenirs, kids, fatty foods, and just being with others outside.  Most everything being sold is junk from his point of view and even the brass knuckles are so much poorly made expensive thuggery that he could easily make himself.  If only he would admit that he is drawn to conviviality as a moth is to flame!
(Brass knuckles and switchblades are now legal in Texas.  This ill considered leniency is because most of those caught with them are so-called minorities and this sets off brain dead liberal alarms.  In Billy's and all his friend's opinions carrying such weapons is known as bringing cheap silly metal to a gun fight).

 I mean, if you're gonna do something go all the way.



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