In A Pasture, 'Neath A Lantern...

    I used to fall in love with sweeping lines and ruined two or three years of excellent anthro rabbit drawings by Drawing While Intoxicated, and not just cheap red wine either.  Oh, no.  As I have an iron head I could keep at it long past the breaking point of mere humans.  Other than the small, minor flaw of the slightly overly large tail, this is a work of great humility reflecting Billy's inner peace in the face of Inevitable Fate and Cosmic Retribution.  The first word no doubt that springs to your mind is 'piety'.  You may now spend the rest of your day in contemplation and awe at such genius displayed on typing paper with one dollar's worth of children's map colors.  And remember -
 Only Users Lose Drugs!

Originally drawn in 2013.


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