Saying Goodbye Sucks



 Mittens and Daisy.

Mittens and Muffins.

The three that went to San Antonio.

In November I lost 4 cats in 3 days to a virulent disease.  I was raising  8 kittens, of two different litters, and I had vaccinated the younger 4.  To save money I did not get the procedure for the older 4, they never left my room so I thought I had time.  This picture shows all 4 of the second litter.  The black and white kitten at the top of this heap is the only one of all of them I have left.  His name is Chess, I didn't want to name the newer batch as I was going to send them to be adopted in San Antonio and I was already head over heels in love with them.  Chess got his name because of his black and white coloration, he was the most aggressive of the younger batch and I started calling him that because he was always in my lap or otherwise being a pest.  A neighbor lady asked if she could have him, I agreed but I think she got worried as to whether she could care for him.  In any event I left him out of the group that was up for adoption.  Of course I wanted to keep them all.  The day I took the three little tumblers to the center for the trip to San Antone was the day I buried the last of the older 4.  I was almost incoherent with grief and guilt.  They were adopted within 48 hours, a very rare thing and one that filled me with joy.  I loved them all and losing them all within a week filled me with sorrow.  Chess is now almost a cat and he is nothing but trouble, shredding lampshades and clamping onto my arms when I watch television.  He is the only boy of my 4 cats and is the delight of my life. 
We are overrun with stray cats here, and now I don't put out food for them anymore.  I cannot afford to deal with any more litters and as can be seen I did not do a good job with my first batch.  If I ever have sufficient funds I will establish a cat ranch, at least I can save some kitties from life on the street that way.  The mother of Chess and the others, Shorty, is now asleep on my bed and is starting to socialize and she is a wonderful lovely girl.  I had all of them spayed and neutered but did not realize the danger of not vaccinating them, a mistake which the older kittens paid for with their lives.  I have never, ever run into this before and I have had plenty of cats, believe you me.  Chess has just now pushed my computer speakers onto the floor, again, and he is extremely proud of himself. 
Sometimes love can be the greatest pain as well as the greatest pleasure possible.  Mittens, Muffins, Daisy and Tiger are in the meadow by the bridge now, and Godspeed to them.  I had 7 months of Heaven with them, and there were never any better or more deserving lifeforms.  I failed them but I did save half of these young cats, and that's something.
  Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor:
                                              What place is this?
                                              Where are we now?
                                              I am the grass.
                                              Let me work.

                                              From Grass, Carl Sandburg.  1918.
I have been on Blogger for over ten years now.  My pictures are vanishing from this site, and Blogger will not answer any of the many requests for help that I have sent to them.  I have averaged 22,000 views a year, nothing for the net but a lot for me.  It breaks my heart to say this but the time has come to wind this down.  The only thing I could find about this problem was on their help site, and they told the person it was a URL problem, total bullshit and I don't even see why they bothered to answer him.  Then it said that topic was closed.  I have no idea what's going on but it sure looks to me as if they have abandoned all technical help either to cut costs or to prepare for shutting down Blogspot altogether.  Just a heads up to anyone who reads this regularly, I sure have enjoyed the attention and it's a shame that I am not a better or more dedicated artist.
I'll let you know, and soon.

Darn it.


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