
Showing posts from March, 2023

My Politics

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn .      ( In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming). After all... why choose the lesser evil? Don't be devoured first - Vote Eldritch Party.  (Political ad paid for by the Friends Of Wilbur Society - Dunwich, Massachusetts).  Ygnailh... ygnaiih... thflthkh'ngha.... Yog-Sothoth!

A New Direction Is Indicated

 Time to start doing something different.  Here Billy and Cattywumpus make plans.

Mum's The Word!

 This is Usagi's cousin, Yukichi.  He is a very handsome rabbit, and quite handy with a sword.  Violent, handsome rabbits is what this failing site is all about.    Yukichi.Yamamoto. Usagi Yojimbo is drawn, written and owned by the master Stan Sakai. I don't care about movie stars, presidents, authors or anyone else, but Stan's the man. Nobody better ever tell Mr. Sakai I said all this. 

Two Hundred Jizo

Usagi Yojimbo is the greatest of all furry creations.  Stan Sakai is the greatest living comic book artist and writer.  Hear and obey! From Usagi Yojimbo #141, Two Hundred Jizo. Jizo  (地蔵/womb of the earth), as they are called, are made in the image of Jizo Bosatsu, guardian deity of children and travellers. They're also known as the ‘earth bearer’, so  jizo  statues are made out of stone, which is said to have a spiritual power for protection and longevity that predates Buddhist beliefs.  Oh, and don't fuck with samurai rabbits.

Carpe Diem

  YOLO, Billy Original, before inking. The original is probably 'better' but outlining gives impact to an otherwise dull rabbit drawing. 

The Invisibles, #15

Vertigo, December 1995.  Written by Grant Morrison and penciled by Jill Thompson, this has got to be the strangest thing I've ever read and that's big talk.  I have no idea what's going on here but it involves a transvestite, bizarre sex, Michtlantecuhtli Aztec Lord of the Dead and a whole raft of other things beyond my comprehension. The artwork sucks and I can't even begin to follow the 'story' but I'm determined to ride this one out.  The Flaming Carrot is like unto The Cat In The Hat compared to this. Comics are fun , they said.  It's cool to like comics , I was told.  My car barely functions, I live on Ramen soup, I bought my newest set of underwear 15 years ago and the last person I even so much as touched was an old lady in Castor, Louisiana with dementia who thought I was Huey Long at my grandmother's funeral in 1993 but I know my comics inside and out .  I'm about to move out to a pinewood and tarpaper shack built c. 1930 in...

The Great Rivalry

 The Italian composer and cellist Giovanni Bononcini was in London between 1720 and 1732, where for a time his popularity equaled George Frideric Handel’s, the latter having arrived in 1712.  In general the Tories favoured Handel, while the Whigs preferred Bononcini; and the lively competition between them inspired this epigram: Some say, compar'd to Bononcini That Mynheer Handel's but a Ninny Others aver, that he to Handel Is scarcely fit to hold a Candle Strange all this Difference should be 'Twixt Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee! John Byrom      Hmmmm...I just can't get worked up over this.      The operas at this time were chaotic in that the audiences rarely were all listening to the music, a football game gets far more attention than the aristocrats of the time gave the performers.  After all, musicians were servants, skilled, but still servants.  Castrati were greatly in demand, on stage and elsewhere, the singers w...


Cropped version of a post that has disappeared from this blog.  Why won't blogger answer me?

The Big Mouth And The Big Ears

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Boris Artzybasheff, 1954.    Fuck communists and the whores they rode in on.

Ha Ha Ha!

Frederick Marryat (artist) / George Cruickshank (etcher), An Interesting scene, on board an East-Indiaman, showing the Effects of a heavy Lurch, after dinner . London: George Humphrey - (printer), November 9, 1818. The sailor upper right by the gun is saying, "My precious eyes, Tom!!!  Here's a smash!!!!  - hold on my hearties -!!  hang on by yr eyelids"!  Case bottles of Madeira, priming horns, cannon swabs and roundshot are all ahoo, and the only thing in the cabin unaffected by the tilt is the free swinging liquor platform.  The gentleman being scalded with coffee has someone's pet bulldog freaking out and chewing on his leg.  The gunner Tom is drinking from a filched bottle of wine with great gusto and unconcern.  Rule Brittania! Oh, and that short barrelled cannon is a carronade, aka a 'smasher'.  These were originally marketed for commercial ships, as they were much lighter and used far less powder.  They proved useful to the...

Bottom Line

"I've always understood that we went to war on account of the thing we quarreled with the North about. I've never heard of any other cause than slavery ."  Colonel John Singleton Mosby, CSA.  His irregular cavalry unit, Mosby's Rangers, was incorporated into the Confederate Army, the only one so accepted.  He became U. S. Consul to Hong Kong and was a friend of President Grant after the war.   Later in the war, after Grant had come east to direct the operations of the Army of the Potomac, Grant wrote that he regularly took a train to Washington “to confer with the Secretary of War and the President.” On one of these train trips back to Virginia, “a heavy cloud of dust was seen to the east of the road as if made by a body of cavalry.” When the train reached the next station and stopped, those on board asked the “man at the station” about this, and “he informed us that Mosby had crossed a few minutes before at full speed in pursuit of Federal cavalry....

Undeserved But What A Great Song!

Jesse James we understand, Has killed him many a man. He robbed the Union trains! But history does record, That Bob and Charlie Ford Have laid Jesse James in his grave It was on a Saturday night The stars were shining bright, When they robbed that Union train! And it was one of the Younger boys That gathered in the spoils, And carried that money away. In his small home unaware, A-straightening pictures there He thought he heard a noise- And as he turned his head Well, the bullet killed him dead. Fired by Bob Ford, one of the boys. Poor Jesse had a wife She lived a lady all her life! The children they were brave- But history does record That Bob and Charlie Ford, Have laid Jesse James in his grave.   Jesse James by Ry Cooder, from The Long Riders soundtrack.  1980.     Bob Ford was the dirty little coward that shot Mister Howard.  (The false name Jesse was living under).  In April 3, 1882, after eating breakfast...