The Invisibles, #15
Vertigo, December 1995. Written by Grant Morrison and penciled by
Jill Thompson, this has got to be the strangest thing I've ever read and
that's big talk. I have no idea what's going on here but it involves a
transvestite, bizarre sex, Michtlantecuhtli Aztec Lord of the Dead and a
whole raft of other things beyond my comprehension. The artwork sucks
and I can't even begin to follow the 'story' but I'm determined to ride
this one out. The Flaming Carrot is like unto The Cat In The Hat
compared to this.
Comics are fun, they said. It's cool to like comics,
I was told. My car barely functions, I live on Ramen soup, I bought my
newest set of underwear 15 years ago and the last person I even so much
as touched was an old lady in Castor, Louisiana with dementia who
thought I was Huey Long at my grandmother's funeral in 1993 but I know my comics inside and out.
I'm about to move out to a pinewood and tarpaper shack built c. 1930 in
extreme rural Texas that has no electricity or running water but I know my comics inside and out.
I was counting on being dead by now, dammit.
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