Enfer Sur Terre

I've been reading this beyond infuriating comic series all the way through.  This is one of the best ideas a publisher ever came up with, and boy howdy is it messed up.  Inconsistent, dense, left wing, self righteous, British, inconsistently drawn, Hellblazer is about the adventures of a hopelessly alcoholic, sexually degenerate, damned, chain smoking jerk of a magician who has one foot in both worlds. In one of the stories John Constantine fucks a dog, or it fucks him, on camera, the typical sort of trick these no talent writers use.  Alan Moore has his bejeweled fingers all over this concept.  I swear to God on a stack of bibles the the Keanu Reeves movie was much better than the comic series.  But-
When it's good it's really good.  This cover is from a limited issue storyline that, for once, is outstanding.   Got the Swamp thing in it and all that good stuff.  My next artwork post will be a riff on John Constantine, rabbit.  Vertigo, now discontinued, was such a good imprint that I can almost forgive Detective Comics things like Superdog and Matter Eating Lad.  Almost.  Anyway, this story arc kicks ass, I recommend it.

But wait!  The following link is the most disturbing story I have ever read and the very best of the Constantine mythos.  Be warned, this is about what happens when an evil man is foolish enough to call a demon into his life.  H. P. Lovecraft and Clive Barker majorly twisted on the purest methamphetamine and raisinjack couldn't come up with something as evil as this.  Be warned, I am not one to use superlatives when it comes to horror and extreme pain but I haven't slept very well since I read this.  Permit me to share it with you, gentle reader, s'il vous plaît:

Pleasant dreams.

The Hellblazer property of Vertigo Comics, 2017.


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