The Ducks And The Geese Were Put Therein

Two days ago we put a small, sweet-tempered duck into the cage that holds Jerry and Sassy, our house goose and duck.  The cage is very large, and has a pond with a pool and filter pump installed.  Jerry is an affable guy who loves the ladies, he will only honk at women and wants to be petted by them.  Uh...that's human ladies.  The next morning the little duck was dead of a broken neck, and of course Jerry is the killer.  She had been roughed up by a pack of males and we were getting her ready to be released.  The last duck we put in with Jerry would sleep next to him.
I'm very fond of Jerry but will never see him quite the same way again.  As a furry artist I commonly assign human traits to hybrid animals.  As a refuge worker I will not make that mistake again.  I'm angry with Jerry for hurting the little duck but that's how it goes in nature.  She thought she had a friend, and that friend killed her. 
Justice is a concept unique to one species on this planet.

Photo from Wikipedia.
Karma, Jerry, is a bitch.



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