
Fell asleep last night reading about Quatre Bras.  This is, well, just the idea of an English soldier.  Pay no attention to the garland of different size cannon balls.  I blame sobriety!

 "Napoleon Bonaparte is regarded as one of the most successful Generals of the western world. He led a massive army to conquer half of Europe, established the Napoleonic Code, and appointed himself "Emperor" of France. But, instead of being synonymous with leadership, wit, or victory, the "Napoleon" name today means one thing to most people: A short, angry man. This is all thanks to one British artist named James Gillray, who spent years producing dozens of caricatures that attacked Napoleon. Despite never having seen or met Napoleon in person before, Gillray consistently portrayed the Emperor as a short, spiteful man who aimed to conquer other lands in order to compensate for his height. What started as a series of satirical drawings became a full-fledged propaganda operation to undercut Napoleonic France during several of the Napoleonic wars. It was such an effective information campaign that "Napoleon Complex" is still a widely-used term to this day... In fact, shortly before he died in 1821, Napoleon was quoted as saying that Gillray “did more than all the armies of Europe to bring me down.” 


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